Friday, April 4, 2008

Finished, VIP Lounge

Sorry for the wall of text here, I got it all done though.

3 tabs of fire in this area:

Young Full of Herself Actress. Makes you dance for a tab. If you dance again she gives you cash.

Zoned out rich boy – you just take it from him

Artist – Really likes to get outside the box.


Club Owner – throws you out for unsanctioned drug use/asking for

Undercover Detective – tailing the actress for her safety. Will intervene if you engage actress in a savage manner.

Other Random NPCs:

Random Couple. Random Jane


Drink from the bar – Artist will give you a tab if you get him a drink.
Tab of Fire on table – this tab is right in front of a zoned out kid.
Tab of Fire from Actress
Tab of Fire from Artist
Money from Actress – Chump change, not enough for your humiliation, but enough money to buy a drink perhaps?


Dance – Shake it baby
Threaten – Threaten someone for a tab of fire
Talk – Engage in conversation with someone
Give – give something to someone
Take – take something
Look – Observe something

Upon entry:

You slip into the VIP Lounge, and the noise of the dance floor behind you vanishes as the door shuts. It is much quieter in here, with a few people standing around talking. Expecting something much better, you can’t help but feel a little bored. A blonde girl in an expensive dress eyes you from her seat in the middle of the subdued room.

You are in the VIP Lounge, where the famous and people who know the famous come to mingle and avoid the riff raff. Plush looking chairs lay scattered about in threes and fours, with cushy couches lining the walls. Some olive trees are scattered throughout the room, and ornate columns pretend to hold up the walls. There is an oval shaped bar near the center of the room, for maximum ease of boozement. The bartender is engaged in conversation with an overweight man in a leisure suit. A couple is talking adamantly about something in the corner next to a man dressed in skin-tight black clothes. Closer to you, and the entrance, a shady man in a brown trench coat lounges, his hat pulled down over his eyes. Across from him in a separate booth a young man stares off into space. A girl sits at the bar, sipping on her drink. The girl in the expensive dress catches your eye again and motions for you to come over.

/look Bartender
The clean-cut bartender eyes you suspiciously. He is wearing a well pressed white collared shirt and black trousers. Employees tended to have drug connections right?

/look Olive Tree
They’re fake…

/look overweight man
This overweight man is chatting up the bartender. His paunch is sticking out from under his white leisure suit. He looked like a real partier, he might have some fire.

/look couple
They look pretty busy arguing about something.

/look shady man
This non-chalant looking fellow has his feet propped up on the table and his arms busy with a newspaper. What he is doing reading a newspaper in the VIP lounge is beyond your understanding. He has a gun holster at his hip.

/look young man
This young man appears to be totally unaware of his surroundings. His eyes have that dead, blissful look that comes from Fire use. The table in front of him is littered with junk. You figure he might be a good bet.

/look Table
You search around the table, finding a lot of receipts, old tickets, and gum wrappers. Then something catches your eye, a tab of Fire is lying under that magazine!

/look bar girl
The girl sitting at the bar looks ordinary enough. She’s taking small sips of her drink and looking around wistfully. Could she have some fire, she looks like she’s keeping to herself.

/look blonde girl
She is sitting down in a booth by herself. Rather attractive, her expensive looking dress only serves to point out the obvious. Once again she beckons you over, looking a little impatient.

/look tight clothes man
The man in tight clothes looks to be an artist of sorts. He is really skinny, and you feel like you could threaten him into giving you some drugs easily, if he had any that is.


/take tab on table
You take the tab off the table. The spaced out kid doesn’t even notice, and neither does anybody else. Chuckling to yourself, you pocket it.

/take drink
You take the drink off the bar counter, giving the bartender the money you received earlier from the actress.

/give drink
You give the artist the drink. He sniffs at it and makes a face, but quickly quaffs it anyway. “Well, that hit the spot,” he says. He hands you a tab of fire by way of payment.

Against your better judgment you dance in front of the laughing actress. Your dance is a little like a combination of the funky chicken and the robot, and your cheeks quickly turn red as most of the room turns it attentions on you. Finally the actress motions for you to stop. She stifles her laughter and takes your hand. “You’re funny. Here’s something to remember me by.” You feel pressure in your hand and nod, then beat a hasty retreat. The tab of fire she gave you presses against the palm of your closed fist. Success.

/dance (after the first time, if you can do this)
Feeling a little braver, you dance for the actress again. Why do you love humiliating yourself? She laughs and waves for you to stop. “I don’t have anymore stuff to give you, so take this instead.” She gives you a twenty dollar bill. “Go buy a stiff drink with it, you look like you need it.

/talk Actress/young woman

You approach the woman. She smiles at you as you get close. You suddenly recognize her as the perky Death Slayer Apprentice from the latest horror flick ‘Brains on Ice,’ a story about an ice skating rink infested with zombies. You quickly get cold feet and try to back away, but she traps you with a question. “Hey there, what’re you up to?”

/talk young woman/actress fire
“Wow you cut to the chase fast, but keep your voice down eh? I got some, and I’ll give you a tab if….” She appears to think it over a bit. “…you dance for me!”

/threaten actress/young woman
You reach over and grab her by the arm, shaking it. “Give me some fire!” you demand. The young actress looks at you with wide eyes, trembling. She starts to cry.
“What do you think you’re doing.” A voice comes from behind you. Turning, you see the man in the brown trench coat behind you. You feel something poke into your back. A gun.
“Come with me buddy,” The man behind you says. He leads you outside and into an adjoining allyway.
“I was hired to watch that young girl, make sure she was safe and happy. You made a bad decision there my friend.”
You try to protest, but something drives downward into the back of your skull, driving the light from the world. You collapse to the ground in an unconscious heap. Looks like Adam will have to get someone else to hook him up.
Game Over.

/talk Artist
You approach the artist, who gives you a snide look down his nose. “Who might you be then,” he drawls.

/talk fire artist
“Drugs? Yes I have some, but why should I give anything to someone like you?”

/threaten artist
You seize his right hand by the fingers, squeezing. “Listen, give me some fire, or you’ll never paint with these fingers again,” you whisper in a deadly voice.
The artist looks outraged, but soon deflates under your withering gaze, he believes you. “Fine. Go get me a drink from the bar and I’ll consider it.” Guess that’s the best you’ll get without causing a scene. You let go of his fingers and walk off.

/talk bar girl
You approach the girl sitting at the bar, but she just ignores you, staring down into her drink. Pretty rude.

/talk overweight/fat man
You approach the overweight man, and he stops his conversation with the bartender and turns to you. “What can I do for you!?” He booms.

/talk fire overweight/fat man
“You want what?! Get out of my establishment! I never want to see your face again!” The owner of the club summons a security guard, who throws you out the front door and onto the street.
Game Over

/talk shady man
The shady man keeps reading his newspaper, paying you no heed.

/talk Bartender
“You want a drink?” He drawls, temporarily interrupting his conversation with the overweight man.

/talk bartender drink
Without a word the bartender pours you a drink and sets it down on the table.

/talk Bartender fire
Same as the owner ending (since they’re right next to each other)

/talk Couple
They’re still arguing, and don’t pay you any attention at all.

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